I hope everyone has an enjoyable break, and that you were entertained by our turkey recipe books (sent home last Friday.) Students wrote their recipes using shared Google documents.
Congratulations to our two "Turkey Trot" winners, pictured above. These students were honored during morning announcements and won a bag full of goodies.
For our very first book report this year each student read a book by Beverly Cleary. Then, students chose a character from the book and created a puppet of that character.
Students presented a summary of the book through their puppet, as that character. I really enjoyed seeing the unique and creative puppets and hearing stories from the point of view of the character.
In Science class, we created human energy circuits using Steve Spangler's cool, interactive Energy Stick.
The students had a great time learning about electrodes, circuits, energy and electricity experimenting with the energy sticks. The energy sticks brought our science lesson to life and the students were able to correctly explain what we had done at the end of the period. Watch the video below to see a snippet of this investigation in action!
We were excited to kick off our first field trip of the year at The Apple Store in Scottsdale to learn about iMovie!
Each student worked with a partner to first create video footage and take photos and then edit their movie.
After the movies were edited, the Apple Store Geniuses helped students upload their creation to a bracelet zip drive.
Everyone had a wonderful time and walked away with a movie strapped to their wrist! I uploaded all the movies to my YouTube Channel and created a playlist which can be viewed here.
We were a little sad to ride the bus back to school because we had so much fun at The Apple Store, but we are excited for our next field trip in a few weeks.
Watch the video below for an inside glimpse of the field trip in action!
Last week the class had a great time at the school Harvest Festival. Special thanks to all the parents who helped out and/or donated. During the festival students created caramel apples, wrote an acrostic poem, participated in a pumpkin relay race, listened to some stories, created a turkey craft and just generally had a ton of fun!
Watch this video to see what the Harvest Festival was like.
As part of our spider unit, we created models of spider egg sacs.
Female spiders lay up to 3,000 eggs in each egg sac! We also learned that female spiders protect these precious silken sacs by attaching them to their webs or hiding them in their nests. The class enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a spider, and loved this messy, hands on project.